Canada Nano Silver

by Engage Your Health Now

Questions & answers.
Get the facts.

General Questions

Do all of your products contain SIlverSol?

Short answer: Yes
Explanation: SilverSol can provide a broad range of health benefits and is most effective when applied as directly as possible to the area of your health need. Our wide variety of products are designed to empower you with the most ideal and useful application of our SilverSol particles for your different health needs. (gels and creams for easier cosmetic application as well as liquids and lozenges for internal use and support)

What is Argyria?

One main concern that individuals may have with silver products is a rare skin condition known as argyria, otherwise known as “the blue man syndrome”. Put simply, argyria is a result of there being so much chemical or ionic silver in the body at one time that the body cannot dispose of it fast enough through its normal excretion systems. In order to get rid of this excess silver, the body walls it off in the cells. This causes a grayish blue discoloration of the skin and other body tissues. Although this condition is medically benign and cosmetic only, in most cases the discoloration is permanent.

What Causes Argyria and What Doesn’t?

Understanding the obvious fears individuals may have with acquiring argyria, let us settle your concerns with simple, clear and proven facts. To start, we’ll begin with research gathered from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the EPA (who is in charge of defining safe levels of any mineral in water which is used for ingestion, drinking, or disinfecting), the oral consumption of the equivalence of 1oz of 10ppm of silver in water on a daily basis poses no significant degree of risk.

According to historical information published on silver, unless an individual were consistently consuming (every day for over a year) over 50 times the recommended daily dosage of a 10 ppm ionic silver product, there would be no possibility of that individual contracting argyria. That is the equivalent of drinking 380 – 8 oz. bottles of a 10 ppm ionic silver product in one year, which is more than a bottle a day! So, those people who consume hundreds or even thousands of times the recommended daily dosages do run a risk of developing this condition over time.

Argyria is generally only a potential problem for people who make their own ionic silver products at home with no idea of the levels of silver they are ingesting, or from the daily use of commercially available ionic silver products at 200-500 ppm or even higher.

How Does ABL Know Metallic Silver Doesn’t Cause Argyria?

A peer-reviewed report from Pennsylvania State University was released after years of studying a number of colloidal silver and silver aquasol or nano products purchased from the U.S. market. The paper was authored by Professor Rustum Roy, along with seven other professors and scientists from leading universities. In the report cited below, on the subject of ionic vs. metallic silver for human use, Dr. Roy states “In spite of this enormous range of data, it is extraordinary that no major effort has been made to confirm and expand on the role of metallic silver in human health—especially in light of its huge advantage in lack of side effects”. (Ingestion of excessive amounts of ionic (soluble) silver, not metallic solid particles is reported to have resulted in a very rare condition labeled argyria, an (irreversible?) darkening of the skin. No one has died of this condition.

The safety of metallic SilverSols® is firmly established by the data cited above).” 1 That paper also states that “For thousands of years in various countries, especially India, silver has been used for what was empirically known to be its bactericidal properties – to keep water, and often foods, safer. A recent paper by Das et al. provides the remarkable datum that some 275,000 kg of edible metallic silver foil are consumed every year (in food) in India. No known adverse health effects have ever been recorded. This epidemiological evidence that silver as a metal is not toxic in any way needs no further comment.”1

To put that simply, metallic silver products like our SilverSol Technology® do not cause argyria. It is only ionic forms of silver that cause argyria.

How Does ABL Know That SilverSol® is Safe?

On top of the safety information listed above, the SilverSol Technology in our Silver Biotics® products has undergone more than 30 safety studies, including the first human ingestion safety studies done on a nano-silver. These safety studies have shown that the metallic nano-silver particles in SilverSol are flushed out of the body within approximately 24 hours. No build-up or retention of the SilverSol particles occurs in the body, which means it is scientifically impossible to get argyria from SilverSol® at the recommended dosage. ABL has also sold millions of bottles of our products over the last 20 years, with no reported negative side effects. This is why ABL can confidently say that our bottles are blue, but not you.

References: Roy et al. Ultrudilute Ag-aquasols with extraordinary bactericidal properties: role of the system Ag-0-H20. Materials Research Innovations, 2007, Vol 11, No 1.

Do you have NPN Approvals?

Yes we do. Please use the links below to access the NPN Product Licenses PDF sheets.

Silver Ceuticals 32 PPM Liquid
Silver Ceuticals 10 PPM Liquid


Can I take Silver Biotics Immune Support while on antibiotics?

Silver Biotics Immune Support has not shown to interact negatively with any antibiotics or vaccinations. ABL has tested it with 17 different antibiotics directly, and it had no inhibitory issues with any of them. As part of a human ingestion safety study that was done on our Silver Biotics product, a P450 Drug Interaction Study was also completed, and it showed that Silver Biotics did not negatively interact with any common medications. Silver Biotics doesn¹t work chemically, which makes the chance of it interacting with medications very low. This does not mean that it couldn¹t interact with some medication somewhere, but as of yet, ABL has not found one that does. ABL has sold more than 18,000,000 units of Silver Biotics products, with no reported side effects or negative interactions. As always, it is important to talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or supplementation.

How does it react with the other vitamins/minerals I am already taking?

Silver Biotics Immune Support has not shown to interact negatively with any antibiotics or vaccinations. ABL has tested it with 19 different antibiotics directly, and it had no inhibitory issues with any of them. As part of a human ingestion safety study that was done on our Silver Biotics product, a P450 Drug Interaction Study was also completed, and it showed that Silver Biotics did not negatively interact with any common medications. Silver Biotics doesn¹t work chemically, which makes the chance of it interacting with medications very low. This does not mean that it couldn¹t interact with some medication somewhere, but as of yet, ABL has not found one that does. ABL has sold more than 18,000,000 units of Silver Biotics products, with no reported side effects or negative interactions. As always, it is important to talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or supplementation.

Do I need to take Silver Biotics Immune Support on an empty stomach?

The optimal time to take Silver Biotics Immune Support is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This is not necessary, but recommended for optimal product performance.

Will Silver Biotics Immune Support destroy healthy gut bacteria?

A unique advantage to our silver particles is that they don’t kill probiotics at the recommended levels. We have 3 independent studies showing that we do no harm to them, which is unprecedented in the silver product industry.

Why does it come in a plastic bottle?

There are several misconceptions out there about silver being stored in glass vs. plastic that have been around for a long time. Many years ago when ABL first started this company, others in the industry told us ABL needed to store our products in glass bottles, and that plastic would negatively affect our products, so that is what ABL did. No one had any real data on why, and ABL never saw any testwork to back it up. So, ABL had two studies done at major universities, and the other at a large, independent laboratory) to verify the validity of those claims. Both of those studies showed the exact opposite, and that our product will last indefinitely in a quality, food-grade PETE #1 plastic. This plastic does not leach and is BPA free. Those studies also showed that if our products were stored in glass, sometimes the glass would affect our product, especially with long-term storage.

Up to that point ABL had been marketing our products in a glass bottles, but switched over shortly after ABL got the results. Recently, ABL had some of our product tested that had been stored for over 7 years in our plastic bottles, and it was still the correct ppm level, contained no leached chemicals, and worked just as well in the test as it did when it was first bottled. There are many misconceptions about silver out there, and instead of just going along with them like many other companies do, ABL has independent testing done to find out what is correct. ABL doesn’t like guessing when it comes to our products. ABL wants to know for certain how they work best so ABL can inform customers with confidence and data, instead of guesses and myths.

Does it need to be refrigerated after I open it?

Silver Biotics Immune Support does not need to be refrigerated after opening. It can be stored at room temperature, preferably out of direct sunlight.

Does the Immune Support Supplement have a taste?

Silver Biotics Immune Support does not have a taste. It tastes like water. Some people are able to detect a slight metallic flavor.

Why is Silver Biotics Immune Support clear when some other silver products have a brown, gold, or grey color?

Silver Biotics Immune Support is clear because it is a 10 ppm solution with very small particles (5-7 nanometers in size). Several factors affect the color of a silver product, including the size of the particles, the amount of those particles contained in the solution, and any other added impurities. Our particles are metallic nano-particles with a thin, silver oxide coating, and their average size is 5 nanometers (or 0.005 microns). To give you an idea of how small they actually are, a red blood cell measures 10,000 nanometers in size, and the period at the end of this sentence is about one million nanometers wide. With this particle size, and at a concentration of 10 ppm, our solution is clear. If ABL were to drastically increase the size of our particles or the ppm level, the clarity of our product would reduce. Our particles are also part of the structure of the water, making them extremely stable, and a true colloidal solution. You can freeze our products or boil them, and it will not affect the silver or its ability to stay homogenously dispersed in the water. A colored silver product will have either a high ppm level, large particle size, or some other ingredient(s) added to it, or even a combination of thereof.

Why is this better than other immune support vitamins in the market?

Silver Biotics Immune Support is an amazing immune support supplement. Unlike some other immune supplements, it can be safely taken every day.

Can I take this product when I am on dialysis?

Silver Biotics Immune Support is non-toxic and does not affect the kidneys negatively in any way. There should be no issues using this product while on dialysis. As always, it is important to talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or supplementation.

What if my dog/cat ingests?

Silver Biotics Immune Support is non-toxic, and will not harm pets or animals.


Will SilverSol use cause argyria?

Short answer: No
Explanation: SilverSol Technology has undergone more than 30 safety studies including the first human ingestion safety studies done on a nano-silver. These safety studies have shown that the metallic nano-silver particles in SilverSol are all flushed out of the body within approximately 24 hours. No build-up or retention of the SilverSol particles can occur in the body which means you have no risk of argyria from SilverSol.

What is Ionic Silver?

Ionic Silver is one of the most common forms of silver liquid found in the supplement industry today. Many are made by diluting chemical forms of silver, like silver nitrate, to a desired parts per million (ppm), which is then bottled and sold to the public.

Although ionic silver products have the smallest particle size (which they usually tout), they are often the least stable and can easily fall out of solution. Additionally, ionic forms of silver only have one mode of action. Once each silver ion steals its missing electron, it becomes neutral and is no longer useful in the body.

Lastly, ionic forms of silver can bind up in the body. Over extended periods of time this build up could cause a skin condition known as Argyria, otherwise known as the blue man’s syndrome.

What does ‘Bound with Silver Proteins’ mean?

Mild silver proteins are simply another form of ionic silver. However, because ionic forms of silver are not generally stable, they are sometimes bound to a protein in order to help keep them in suspension. However, as a result of this binding with protein, the silver ion is less functional and useful than traditional ionic silver ions. Consequently, higher levels of silver (ppm) are needed to obtain the desired effect.

What does ‘PPM’ mean?

It is common to measure silver concentration using parts per million (ppm), which basically means so many parts of silver per million parts of water (or whatever liquid is being used).

How much silver is in Silver Biotics products versus others on the market?

Most silver products on the market range in the 10 to 500 ppm silver concentrations with some even as high as 5,000 ppm. Our products on the other hand, range from 10 to 30 ppm. It is easy to think that a higher concentrated product (100 ppm vs 10 ppm) is better because you’re getting 10 times the amount of silver than you would with the lower concentrated product. With our Metallic Nano-silver Particle, our SilverSol technology has multiple modes of action without getting used up. Because of this, you need less nano-silver particles to accomplish the same thing as you would with other ionic or colloidal silver particles (this results in much less silver ingested comparatively). Independent studies have shown SilverSol Technology to be up to 10x more effective than products containing as much as 3,000ppm silver.

Tooth Gel

Do I use the Tooth Gel the same way I use toothpaste?

Yes, you can use the Tooth Gel the same way you would toothpaste, or if you prefer, you can use it after your toothpaste for extended protection. Take the Tooth Gel Challenge: “Brush your teeth with it one night like you would any other toothpaste and do not rinse it out. The next morning, I think you will find your teeth and gums are still clean and smooth, unlike anything you’ve tried before.” – Keith, CEO of American Biotech Labs.

Is the tooth Gel safe to use on crowns and dentures?

Yes, the Tooth Gel is non-staining and safe to use on crowns and dentures.

How often do I use?

Apply generously to your toothbrush and brush as normal 2-3 times daily or as directed by a dentist or doctor.

Will the Tooth Gel help to whiten my teeth?

While effective cleaning of your teeth using the Tooth Gel can help prevent staining caused by a dirty mouth, Tooth Gel does not have any abrasives or whiteners, which are typically touted to whiten teeth.

Does it contain fluoride?

No, this Tooth Gel does not contain any fluoride, abrasives, or SLS.

Is it recommended by Dentists?


Is there a flavor or taste to the Tooth Gel?

The Tooth Gel has light mint flavoring, which comes from the therapeutic grade peppermint oil. The strength of the flavor is subjective to the individual.

What size tubes is it available in?

It is currently available in a 4oz tube.

Is it safe for children to use the Tooth Gel?

This Tooth Gel is made with natural ingredients and is safe for children to use. It is not harmful if swallowed.

Are there any abrasives in the Tooth Gel?

No, this Tooth Gel does not contain any abrasives, fluoride, or SLS.

How long can the Tooth Gel protect my gums?

It provides up to 12 hours of protection.

Why is this better than other toothpaste in the market?

This Tooth Gel provides the benefits of our SilverSol nano-silver along with other natural ingredients such as xylitol and therapeutic grade peppermint oil to clean and provide a lasting protection without the use of harmful chemicals and abrasives commonly found in toothpastes today. It is great for sensitive teeth and promoting healthy teeth and gums.

What if my dog/cat ingests?

Although Tooth Gel is not harmful to most animals, dogs specifically should not be given Tooth Gel, as xylitol is harmful to them. If your dog does ingest the Tooth Gel, please consult your veterinarian.

Armor Gel

Is Armor Gel safe on sunburns?

Yep. It is a claim right on the box.

Will Armor Gel sting or burn when applied to open wounds or burns?

Nope. It feels the same as water does when applied to the wound, but it will also soothe and cool the affected area.

Will Armor Gel stain my skin or clothing?

Nope. It is non-staining.

Will Armor Gel stick to bandages or clothes?

Nope. Armor Gel is not sticky and absorbs quickly. It will not cause bandages or clothes to stick to the wound.

What size tubes is it available in?

It comes in a 0.5 oz. tube, a 1.5 oz. tube, and a large 4 oz. tube for those days when you have had way too much fun in the sun.

Are there any scents or dyes in Armor Gel?

Armor Gel is scent and dye free.

How often do I need to apply?

It can last up to 3 days under a bandage. For optimal results reapply it daily or each time the bandage is changed.

Can Armor Gel be used without a bandage?

If a wound or burn is left uncovered by a bandage, it is best to apply Armor Gel to the affected area a few times daily.

How should I apply the gel?

Liberally cover the affected area with Armor Gel using a clean applicator if available.

Do I need to wrap the wound after I apply the gel?

It is recommended that a bandage be used on top of Armor Gel, but it is not a requirement. For example, Armor Gel works very well on sunburns, which are usually left uncovered.

Is the gel water resistant?

The gel has very limited water resistance, and would need to be reapplied if exposed to a lot of water.

What if my child/dog/cat ingests Armor Gel?

No problem. Armor Gel is non-toxic and will not harm any people or animals that ingest it.


Does the skin cream contain fragrance?

It is available in unscented as well as Grapefruit and Lavender scents. The scented versions use natural essential oils to add both aroma and their aromatherapy benefits.

How often do I need to apply?

We recommend you apply generously to the body daily as needed.

Will the skin cream leave my skin oily or greasy?

The answer to this question relies on the type and condition of the individual’s skin. Most people find this skin cream to provide moisture to the skin without leaving the skin feeling greasy. However, individuals that typically have more oily skin will want to test with a smaller dab of this skin cream before a more generous application.

Can the skin cream be used on acne prone skin?

Our skin cream products are actually sold in acne product kits in other markets. However, it really depends on the type and condition of the individual’s skin. Most people find this skin cream to provide moisture and other great benefits to the skin without leaving it feeling greasy. However, individuals that typically have more oily skin will want to test with a smaller dab of this skin cream before a more generous application.

Will my sensitive skin be irritated by the skin cream?

Silver Biotics Advanced Healing Skin Cream is made using ingredients that are naturally soothing to many skin types. If you were to find yourself sensitive to it, you could always return it for a full refund as part of our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid is a highly utilized ingredient in skin care because of its ability to hold onto moisture. Ingredients like these are known as humectants that help to hydrate the skin.

Does the skin cream use SilverSol?

Yes, it contains our powerful SilverSol® particles, which is why it works so well at helping to promote natural healing. SilverSol’s many unique qualities blend well with the other organic ingredients in the skin cream, resulting in an incredible skin care product.

What makes this better than other healing creams in the market?

Silver Biotics Advanced Healing Skin Cream is set apart in almost every way, utilizing natural and organic moisturizers like coconut oil, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E to help soothe and soften the skin, while using patented SilverSol® particles to help promote natural healing at the same time. Skin nirvana achieved.


How many lozenges come in a package?

There are 21 lozenges per bag.

How many can I take in a day?

Silver Biotics Silver Lozenges are non-toxic, so you can use as many in a day as you feel necessary.

Are they safe for children?

These lozenges are made with natural ingredients and pose no health risk aside from the choking hazard inherent in a hard candy type product and any potential allergies an individual may have. Please use caution to not give it to a child under the appropriate age for consuming hard candy type products. The government recommended age for consumption is 3 and up.

Do the lozenges contain any dyes or flavoring?

They do have a natural and organic mint flavoring, and they do not contain any dyes.

How much SilverSol is in each lozenge?

Each lozenge contains 10-15 mcg’s of silver (approximately 2.5 ppm)

Can I use the lozenges while taking the Immune Support Supplement?

The Silver Biotics Immune System Support and Silver Lozenges are both non-toxic, and can be taken simultaneously if desired without issue.

What makes this better than other lozenges in the market?

The benefits of the best (Safest and most effective) silver particle on the market in SilverSol Technology® in combination with the benefits of one of the highest grade manuka honeys available at +16 strength sets this lozenge above the rest as your go to choice for soothing a sore or irritated throat.

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